The Art of Inspired Living


Discovering the “Who” that is you!

There is something in every one of you that awaits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have. And if you cannot hear it, you will, all of your life, spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls.
Howard Thurman

If I asked you the question, “Who are you?” you would probably give me an answer like mother, father, sister, brother, teacher, mechanic, seamstress, lawyer, wife, banker, waitress, or some other identification having to do with how you see yourself in relation to the outer world.

I have a new grandson who is now 5 months old. I call him the Baby Buddha because that is what he is. He sits quietly with his big, wide eyes, curious about everything, shining his innocence and radiance into the world for all to see. As I recognize his perfection, I know that we all began that way, undamaged and innocent, radiant and filled with light.

For our sake and the sake of others around us, we need to go back to the beginning. We can do so by asking the question, “Who am I?” Who am I beyond all the false beliefs and stories I’ve held about myself? Who am I beyond the distractions I create? Who am I beyond my fear? Who am I beyond what you want me to be?

Asking these questions is the beginning of self-discovery. Finding out who we are on a deeper level brings us to a freedom and personal integrity beyond anything we’ve ever experienced. You find the desire to forgive yourself and others for your own sake and peace of mind. You can see, maybe for the first time, that you are lovable and worthy and deserving of all the happiness that you have desired. You begin to live a glorious life of integrity and truth, and you will no longer “spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls!”

I am perfect!
I am whole!
I am complete!

Rev. Karen Wylie

You As a Field of Conscious Presence

Whenever you interact with people, don’t be there primarily as a function or a role, but as a field of conscious Presence.
Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth

To learn how to think is to learn how to live, for our thoughts go into a medium that is Infinite in Its ability to do and to be.
“The Science of Mind,” page 29

So the question is not what a person in the role or Mom or Dad would say or do here, or what a Senator or Congressman in the role of politician would say or do, but rather what is the conscious, awakened action to take. And this applies to all the roles we assume in life.

Eckhart Tolle further states, “Every role is a fictitious sense of self, and through it everything becomes personalized and thus corrupted and distorted by the mind-made ‘little me’ and whatever role it happens to be playing.” He is saying basically that the roles we play are ego-based. There are parents who want their children to succeed but more for their own ego gratification rather than for the sake of their children. Or we see it in politics today where decisions are based on a “what’s in it for me” philosophy rather than what is for the moral good of all.

No matter what role we have in this world, we are here to function from the deeper core of our being. We are here to learn how to do what is required of us without it becoming about the role with which we identify. This is powerful living; otherwise, we become unconscious players in an egoic game, always looking for some kind of ego gratification.

You are most powerful, most effective when you are completely yourself, tapped into the core of your being, where whatever you do is in alignment with the purpose and wellbeing of the whole. You are then without a secondary agenda, no greater motive than what is for the highest good for everyone.

I live, move and have my being in the truth of my Divine Identity.

Rev. Karen Wylie

Resurrection into the Light

…Behold I make all things new…
Holy Bible, Rev. 21:5

Easter, A celebration of life! What a joyous time of year to claim your freedom. Freedom from what you say? Freedom from all your doubts and fears. Freedom from your own limiting illusions about who you are and what you are here to do. Freedom from the blocks around your heart that have kept you from giving and receiving all the love you’ve come in physical form to experience. Now is the perfect time to relinquish it all!

All the thoughts and beliefs you’ve held about yourself…that you are not good enough or worthy of a great life…can be dissolved in an instant! “Behold, I make all things new.” How much longer do you want to keep telling the same negative story about your life? How much more time do you want to waste bemoaning your situation instead of experiencing the heaven on earth that you came here to experience?

In the letting go of all the negativity, a new and glorious life awaits you. You deserve to be happy and filled with joy! I know without a doubt that there is a Love Intelligence that has created everything, and It is in love with Its creation. When we are awake to It, and when, in faith and trust, we move into the flow of It, It supports and sustains us in ways unimagined.

We did not come here in physical form to suffer. We are here to experience joy, peace and love. Don’t waste another day. A great example has already been set by the greatest teacher of all. It is time to resurrect yourself from the darkness into the light! Happy Easter!

I freely release all negative beliefs that no longer serve me! In great joy, I accept and receive my good!

Rev. Karen Wylie

You are Love Itself

There is a part of our being that is beyond the personal self. You can consciously choose to identify with that part, rather than with the psyche or the body. When you do this, a natural transformation begins to take place within you.
Michael A. Singer, The Untethered Soul

Ah, February—the month of love. I always thought I knew what love is. What a surprise to find out it is so much more than I thought. Most of the love I identified with was of a conditional kind. “I’ll love you if you do what I say or behave in the way I think you should.”

What a surprise to find another, deeper level of what we call love. It is becoming so aligned with our core being that we just exist as love without an agenda of getting anything. It requires becoming connected to that part of us that Michael Singer talks about. Through that connection, we find self-love, self-respect, and self-esteem, but not the arrogant, narcissistic kind. When you recognize that you are love, there is no urgency to seek it from outside of yourself.

Yet ironically, it then comes to you easily because you are no longer trying to get anything, and like attracts like. You are just being love, marinating in it, not seeking anything outside yourself. You are able to show up then as your best self—giving, loving, and seeing with such clarity where before you were blind.

It is painful to always be seeking something from the outer world, no matter what it is. As long as what you seek is coming from the outer world, there will never be enough. You will always be hungering for more. This month of love is a perfect time to fall in love with the self as never before. You are filled to overflowing with all the love and innate wisdom you need. Don’t waste any more time looking outside for what is already there. You are love!

I am the love I seek.

Rev. Karen Wylie

Unbounded Love

No harm shall befall you, my friend, for a Divine Presence attends your way and guards you into THE ALL GOOD.
Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind

The unbounded love I experience today I have never known before. It sets me free. I strive for nothing because all is here now. This is the way I choose to be. Grace has fallen upon me. I am in constant appreciation and thanksgiving for even the smallest things. I choose to conform to divine spirit. In the quiet of my own soul, I am inspired and blessed. It’s a way of life, practiced daily.

I begin my day with “Thank you God for my presence here on this earth. Let me release all blocks to my loving. Let me accept where I would otherwise judge.”

Love is the perfect recipe for success. There is strength in love. There is power in love. Love invites us into peace. We did not come into physical form to wage war. We came to dance, play, create and enhance the beauty all around us. We did not come to suffer, though many of us do. Our suffering lasts as long as our belief in it. We can choose higher ground. From that vantage point, what seemed impossible becomes possible.

This Love Intelligence, of which we are a part, loves us and will care for us and sustain us in ways unimagined. We can trust it implicitly.

Decide today that you want to experience Heaven on Earth. Be vigilant and faithful in your practice and it will come to you. That is how much you are loved by the creator of all things.

I open my mind and heart to receive the blessings of the Kingdom. God is good and so am I!

Rev. Karen Wylie

Catalyst for Change

Spiritual growth exists in that moment when you are consciously willing to pay the price of freedom. You must be willing at all times, in all circumstances, to remain conscious in the face of pain and to work with your heart by relaxing and remaining open.
Michael A. Singer, The Untethered Soul

A powerful transformation is happening inside of me. I have met face to face a lifelong pain that has run my life since childhood. I had no idea its power over me. The catalyst was a young drug addicted woman. Through her, I have discovered a terrorized place inside of me that has affected my life for years.

I could run from it and allow it to determine the depth of my ability to love, or I could face it head on and free myself. I’m choosing freedom and now I exhale and feel the release in my heart.

Through so many realizations and changes that have happened to me in recent days, I have come to see that what appears to be chaos in the political climate of our country is truly the opportunity for deep, personal healing on this planet. The beings of light have called it forth so that the deep work that needs to happen individually and collectively can happen. Those in power don’t realize the gift they have brought. It is our opportunity to clear any space inside of us where we have harbored pain and suffering. This is the nature of the benevolence of Spirit! There is such love and support for us as we move in the direction of freedom.

Love will win because it is the most powerful force on the planet. Do not be afraid to face the fear within you that is seeking release. Now is the time. Your freedom is a heartbeat away. My powerful love supports you on your sacred journey home.

I release all fear and pain! My heart is free to love at full capacity!

Rev. Karen Wylie

Triumph of Spirit

Every man is a doorway through which the infinite passes into the finite, through which God becomes man, through which the Universal becomes individual.

You can make the choice today to create the life of your dreams. The very first step is to believe it’s possible. It necessitates dissolving a lifetime of false ideas and beliefs about you. You have to remove the mental blocks that stand between you and your divine destiny.

What a relief it is to let go of the mental striving. We are constantly pinching off our good. The good we seek has been here and available all the time but we have been so caught up in following our ego’s recipe for success.

You are here to develop a real relationship with the Love Intelligence that governs the universe. (I would call it God, but the word “God” has been so misused.) It is falling in love with that which you cannot see, knowing without question that It is always for you, never against you. There is a place within you that aligns with It, is fueled by It, informed by It, sourced by It, sustained by It. It is that place within you of pure joy, pure love, perfect peace and perfect harmony. It is the way in which God enters your very being. It is the Christ Presence within you. The kingdom of heaven literally comes to earth through you.

You experience it in your daily life—more love, more joy, more compassion. You are in constant companionship with the greatest lover of all. In your beautiful surrender, you have never known such love, such beauty, such clarity, such peace, such power and freedom.

This is your divine destiny, that which you came to earth to experience. It is alike to all for the great God of our existence plays no favorites.

I am willing to experience heaven on earth. I surrender everything!

Rev. Karen Wylie


…one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.
St. John, 9:25

Who knew that life could be so beautiful by just changing the lens through which we see. What if we could just let go of our preconceived notions—our judgments, our fears, our resistance to what is? What if we could walk in the world with brand new eyes?

By a certain age, we are already programmed to perceive the world in a certain way, and I’m afraid for most of us, it is not through rose-colored glasses. We’ve never questioned where or when we developed our perceptions and made decisions about the world and all the people in it. For some of us, maybe that’s the way we were trained to think, and we’ve never examined our belief system in any real way. Interestingly though, the more we do our internal healing work, we begin to ask ourselves, “Where did that idea come from? Is it true or do I need to re-examine it?”

You can trace all your beliefs back to the beginning and you begin to see that many of your perceptions about the world are unfounded and perhaps even based in fear or some other negative way of thinking. Then one day, if you’ve done your internal work well, you open your eyes and you begin to see as you’ve never seen before. Where there was guilt, there is now innocence. Where there was anger, there is now forgiveness. Where there was intolerance, there is now acceptance. This is the deep internal work we do that frees us from our belief in separation and enables us to love as never before.

Life is beautiful and it does depend upon the lens through which you are looking. Look with love and see the beauty everywhere.

I look for the good everywhere and there it is.

Rev. Karen Wylie

My Own Shall Come to Me

My own shall find me. No matter where I go, it will follow and claim me.
Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind, pg. 535

Suffer not, my Beloveds. As you dive deep into your own soul, your own shall come to you. It is not about struggle and trying to make something happen. The promise is that your good is already there, awaiting your willingness to receive it. Your work is internal—in fact, it is a willingness to surrender your egoic strivings. The ego gets in the way of your perfect surrender—your relinquishment into Spirit.

Your good was prepared for you from the beginning. You hold it off in your striving to see it. By moving inward into the sweetness of your own divine self, you come to a clear realization of your connection and oneness with that which created everything. Through your complete willingness to take that inward journey to “be still and know that I am God in the midst of you,” something shifts. Then and only then, do you realize that everything you’ve always desired is already present. You are in the flow.

You cannot think yourself into this experience. It is necessary that you be willing to surrender control, which for many of us is not easy because we have used control as a mechanism to keep ourselves safe in what we perceived to be an unsafe world. In the quiet as you disengage from the mind, you bask in a love that you have never known before and you release the resistance created by your own striving. You give up trying to make something happen and right then, Heaven appears on earth and you have come home to freedom. This is a promise.

Welcome home Beloveds! May your days be filled with incomparable love, peace and harmony!

I let go of my resistance, my need to get it right. I dive deep into the holy presence where unconditional love awaits me and I am reborn.

Rev. Karen Wylie

Finding a Deeper Love

…Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee.
Jeremiah 31:3

Whatever level of consciousness you believe you’ve achieved, there’s more, and you cannot think your way into it. In fact, it requires you to actually disengage from your thinking mind, which seems to be the most difficult challenge since we think a million thoughts a minute.

No, you have to stop the monkey mind and settle into the silence of your own soul. You leave the outer world behind as you dive deep into the inner sanctuary of your Being. Therein lie the answers to all your questions, the peace and clarity you’ve been seeking, and the love that is unmatched by any experience you’ve ever had in the outer world.

Everything you’ve ever desired can be found within, even the great lover you’ve been waiting for or the abundance and prosperity you think you can’t be happy without. It’s all within you, awaiting your realization of it.

In that quiet stillness we make the connection with the Love Intelligence that created this universe. We access the Divine and in our yielding to it, we are transformed. In the flame of Spirit’s love for us, which can be powerfully felt, we willingly surrender our ego and all its manipulations and strivings. When we see that we are so loved and cared for, we let go of all our resistance, all our worries and concerns about survival, and all the ways in which we withhold the love that is our very nature.

In that awareness, the Love within us magnifies and all goodness is drawn to us like a moth to a flame. This, my Beloveds, is true liberation, and it is what we’ve come into physical form to realize and experience. I call it Heaven on Earth. From now on and forever, regardless of what goes on around me, therein will I reside.

The deeper I go, the more holy my life!

Rev. Karen Wylie
