We already live in a Perfect Universe, but It needs to be mentally seen and spiritually experienced before It can become a part of our everyday life.
Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind
I am the seer in the midst of changing scenery. Everything may change but a part of me remains changeless. I do not fight against change for I know it is an inevitable part of life and may be the very thing that brings me to a greater understanding and knowing within myself. I am an ever-growing conscious participant in this, my earthly dance.
My passion for life is unbounded because I see the infinite possibility in all things. I am not afraid to live to the fullest because I know that I am supported in a loving universe. I see it, believe it and experience it.
I willingly let go of opposition. Today, I oppose nothing. I live in non-resistance. I find a greater truth when I refuse to oppose. I see with clarity what is before me and in that, I become a beneficial presence for healing and resolution.
The light within me draws light unto itself. I am grateful to live in the light. The light dispels the darkness. I’m constantly choosing how I respond to the ups and downs of life, knowing that by my choice, I’m creating my experience, good or bad.
I am empowered by my choosing. Do I want peace or do I want struggle? Do I want conscious communion or do I want separation? Do I want love or do I choose fear? Do I make my decisions based on my own inner wisdom, or do I succumb to the influence of those who I believe are more powerful than I?
I am the seer in the midst of an ever-changing world. I am the master of my own fate. I am a place where love reveals itself. I choose peace. I am.
My life overflows with goodness, grace, abundance, love, peace and prosperity! I am grateful for my ability to see so clearly!
Rev. Karen Wylie