The Art of Inspired Living


Resist Not

If you practice letting go of your blockages, not only will you get to live in an elevated inner state, you will also become a blessing on the Earth.
Michael A. Singer, Living Untethered

In his book Singer calls those blockages “samskaras,” and he says they are running our lives, and they will be until they are not. I have discovered in my own life, as I become aware of a blockage, the nature of its beginning, and am able to move past it, I find myself happier, more at peace and more in love than ever before with my life and everyone everywhere. In my acceptance and allowing, the unconditional love within me, which is my essential nature, is free to flow upward and out into the world.

Where I feel any resistance within me now about anything, I take a close look to see what it is I’m resisting, if there is a blockage, and why. This is an advanced course in spiritual awakening. The freedom that comes from letting go of a blockage as it comes up is startling to say the least and so freeing. Many of the blockages we experience come from way back in our childhood, and we have been letting them dictate our lives and the
decisions we make ever since.

What I know absolutely is that my true nature is love. When I take that deep dive within my being I find unconditional love. It is my essence and if nothing is blocking it, the divine flow of my love moves up throughout my whole being and out into the world.

We have come here in physical form to play, dance and sing and certainly to love from the depths of our being.

So I say, resist not or at least take an inward look at what you are resisting and why. You will begin to see the ways in which you have limited your ability to experience the divine flow of unconditional love. Move into acceptance and allowing and set yourself free!

I let go of my resistance to what is.

Rev. Karen Wylie
