The Art of Inspired Living


Compassion Found

“Having gone beyond the mind-made opposites, you become like a deep lake.  The outer situation of your life and whatever happens there is the surface of the lake.  Sometimes calm, sometimes windy and rough, according to the cycles and seasons.  Deep down, however, the lake is always undisturbed.  You are the whole lake, not just the surface…”

Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now

As I sit to watch the evening news, my heart fills with unbelievable compassion.  I discover it in the deepest part of myself.  It appears that I’m not alone in this discovery for compassion seems to be awakened now in human beings in every corner of the world.  We are getting to see first hand the pain of war, the pain of separation.  

I focus on this awakening of compassion, which seems to be showing up everywhere, no matter the nationality.  We never know why anything happens the way it does.  We never know the good that comes out of events that on the surface seem to be humanly so wrong.

I discover that no matter the situation, my job is always to find the place of healing within myself that allows me to see the blessing in what appears to be catastrophe.  In that way, I become a contributing force for good, not just for myself, but also for the whole human family.

Healings happen in the light of love and compassion.  It is that love and compassion that brings us peace individually and unites us all over the world as one people, inseparable one from another.  And so, as I watch the news, as the events of the day unfold before me, I remember the essence of me, that part of me that can find a greater truth no matter the situation, and the peace and compassion within me for all humanity magnifies.

God is in all things.  I remember that and find my way home to my essential self filled with peace, joy and love.  I remember that I am the whole lake, not just the surface.  I am in touch with my own depth, which remains absolutely still.  It is this deep compassion that creates the potential for healing all over the world. 


I remember who I am at the deepest level no matter what pain I see happening in the outer world.

Rev. Karen Wylie  
