The Art of Inspired Living


Times, They’re Changing

Pilgrimage to the place of the wise is to find escape from the flame of separation.

Fear not; for I have saved you, I have called you by your name because you are mine.
Isaiah 43:1

The planet used to seem so big, so spread out. Not anymore. As much as some of us would like to isolate, that can no longer work on Mother Earth. What happens somewhere on the planet winds up affecting another part somewhere else. This is a fact we are going to have to get used to, but I think just as we’ve done our spiritual work on the microcosmic level, we can begin to do our spiritual work in the macrocosmic realm.

Jesus, the great teacher and mystic whose life we celebrate this month, has provided a way forward. We cannot live in separation and isolation anymore. We are now being called as never before to remember our oneness with God and with all life everywhere. We are to find that place within us individually and collectively of forgiveness, peace and love.

As we raise the consciousness individually and collectively on this planet, we can overcome any obstacle and begin to create a world that works for everyone. I’m choosing to lift my sights that high for planetary peace.

If we could but realize the depth of God’s love for us, we would be able to release and let go of the fear that has been running amuck in our world of late. The enemy uses fear to gain power, decrease our hope and limit our victories.

A new day is coming. I see it and declare it so.

I release any sense of fear and separation within myself now.

Rev. Karen Wylie
