The Art of Inspired Living


Unbounded Love

No harm shall befall you, my friend, for a Divine Presence attends your way and guards you into THE ALL GOOD.
Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind

The unbounded love I experience today I have never known before. It sets me free. I strive for nothing because all is here now. This is the way I choose to be. Grace has fallen upon me. I am in constant appreciation and thanksgiving for even the smallest things. I choose to conform to divine spirit. In the quiet of my own soul, I am inspired and blessed. It’s a way of life, practiced daily.

I begin my day with “Thank you God for my presence here on this earth. Let me release all blocks to my loving. Let me accept where I would otherwise judge.”

Love is the perfect recipe for success. There is strength in love. There is power in love. Love invites us into peace. We did not come into physical form to wage war. We came to dance, play, create and enhance the beauty all around us. We did not come to suffer, though many of us do. Our suffering lasts as long as our belief in it. We can choose higher ground. From that vantage point, what seemed impossible becomes possible.

This Love Intelligence, of which we are a part, loves us and will care for us and sustain us in ways unimagined. We can trust it implicitly.

Decide today that you want to experience Heaven on Earth. Be vigilant and faithful in your practice and it will come to you. That is how much you are loved by the creator of all things.

I open my mind and heart to receive the blessings of the Kingdom. God is good and so am I!

Rev. Karen Wylie
