The Art of Inspired Living


Out of Control…Good News!

The Light of Heaven shines through me and illumines my path.
The Light Eternal is my guide and my protection. In that Light there is no darkness at all.
It is a Perfect Light shining from the altar of a perfect Love.
Light shines through me and illumines the way.
Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind

Some of us grow up in such scary, dysfunctional and unpredictable environments that as we mature we become very controlling in our lives. We feel that if we control everything, we will be safe. It’s a great coping mechanism that often does help us function successfully, at least for a limited time and in a limited way.

Somewhere along the road on your spiritual journey, however, you will discover that you must finally surrender your need to control and your need to know. In your yielding into the great Love Intelligence that governs this universe, you will discover that all your plans and schemes pale in comparison to what God has in store for you. You will discover that the Love inside you is more powerful and grace-filled than anything you can imagine.

The great plan for your life, your love and your joy so surpasses any idea you may have orchestrated in your limited notion of life. We think we have all the answers and we are pretty arrogant about that. In your great surrender, you will discover that you know nothing compared to the Love Intelligence that governs this universe.

It is difficult to trust the unknown, but if you can truly surrender your willfulness, you will know a love and joy that surpasses anything you have known in this human experience. You will begin to see miracles in your daily life. You will be in the Divine flow and will be guided to the perfect solutions to all your problems. Your capacity to love will grow in ways you can’t begin to imagine.

God is good. Love is your essential nature and you are here to know and love yourself completely. Knowing the Self in this way is truly knowing the nature of God.

Peace be with you.

I surrender my life into the life of God and I am set free!

Rev. Karen Wylie
