The Art of Inspired Living


A Day of Thanksgiving

thanksgivingGratitude – Grace – Giving

This day is about:

• Opening our hearts so that we can love ourselves and others in a greater way
• Expressing gratitude for all our blessings
• Understanding the connection between our gratitude and the prosperity and abundance in our lives.

Rest, Renew, Meditate, Silent Walks
Learn, Grow, Become

For info or to Register: Rev. Karen Wylie, (310) 968-8928
Cost: $35

Saturday, November 23, 2013 • 9:30am – 4:00pm
Meditation Mount • 10340 Reeves Road, Ojai, CA 93023

Bring Your Own Delicious Lunch. We will dine together outside on the patio. Drinks will be provided.
