The Art of Inspired Living


The Wounded Child Within

When we speak of listening with compassion, we usually think of listening to someone else.  But we must also listen to the wounded child inside of us.
Thich Nhat Hanh, Anger

It’s amazing how many wounds we carry from childhood, some so deep we may be dealing with them over and over again throughout our life.

As we evolve spiritually we like to think that once we have faced and handled a particular painful experience from the past, that it is handled for the rest of our life.  Unfortunately that is not the case.  That same wound may be triggered by someone or something else entirely and we are left to once again deal with our painful past.  This may go on throughout life but the good news is hopefully we get better at identifying when we are triggered by something inside of us.  We get better at identifying what is our issue to deal with, not someone else’s.

It may take time in the silence to clearly process what has transpired but over time as our consciousness is lifted, it becomes easier to identify what is ours to deal with and what belongs to another.  And that is the true grace that is given by God in our process of “becoming.”  That is the personal integrity that develops within us as we continue to walk our spiritual path.

Each time we revisit a wound from the past, its power over us is diminished.  We are here in this lifetime to heal the past of anything and everything that would keep us in separation from our divine Self, the Self that knows its oneness with God and all beings.  Do not be afraid to face the past honestly, wounds and all, for that is the way to true freedom and happiness.

I am fearless in my living and loving and am supported by God in all things

Rev. Karen Wylie
