The Art of Inspired Living


Witness Consciousness

At the present time, the dysfunction of the old consciousness and the arising of the new are both accelerating.  Paradoxically, things are getting worse and better at the same time.  Although the worse is more apparent because it makes so much “noise.”
Eckhart Tolle, Stillness Speaks

Recently I was playing a doubles tennis match and something interesting happened to one of the opponents on the other side of the net.  He became very upset with himself over the way he was playing and he began pummeling himself with negative self-talk.  As expected, the more he railed against himself, the more his game deteriorated.  He became angrier and angrier.  As I watched him, I realized he was really in a tennis match with his ego, not us, and his ego was winning.  He told me later that his ego has been in charge for most of his life.  He’s used it as a defense mechanism while inside himself, he’s often felt weak and vulnerable.

We now have evidence every day of what happens when the ego takes charge.  As we have seen, an ego out of control can be a dangerous thing.  When the ego is allowed to take charge, we often discover a scared being out of control.  The ego is run by fear, and the greater the fear, the greater the need to control everything.  Sometimes we think a huge ego is a great power but that is never the case.  It is in the letting go of our need to be seen and heard that we find our true power.  True power is humbling.  It is not arrogant and forceful.  

So we check in with ourselves.  What are we saying and doing that is real and how much of it is a lie trying to cover up a false sense of self?  Now, more than ever, we must be in high integrity with the self.  Now more than ever, we must shine the light of truth and beauty everywhere we go.  The world needs our compassion and understanding.  The world needs our clarity and conviction.  Through living in our highest integrity, we give others the opportunity to do the same.  Inside each of us, whether we know it or not, is the most beautiful essence of divine life.  We are meant to live from that place…defenseless, for in that place, there is nothing to defend against.

I choose to live in highest integrity with myself!  I know who I am!  

Rev. Karen Wylie
