The Art of Inspired Living


Set Yourself Free

julyMid-Month Devotional

We can free ourselves from the bondage of our own limited thinking! We were not born for
struggle and strife. We were born into this physical expression to have life and have it abundantly, so break loose the shackles that are holding you captive to your own faulty thinking. The riches and blessings are awaiting you when you finally let go of all resistance to receiving them.

Claim your independence! Come join us as we expand our consciousness through wisdom talks, sharing, meditation, sacred songs and prayers.

Saturday, July 19, 2014
9:30 am – 12:30 pm

Meditation Mount
10340 Reeves Road
Ojai, CA 93023

For Info, contact Rev. Karen Wylie at 310.968.8928
Love Offering: $10.00
