The Art of Inspired Living


The Holy Encounter

holyencounterRetreat ~ Rest ~ Renew

  • Activate your creative genius
  • Recognize the difference between the conscious and unconscious invitation
  • Become the creator of your own experience rather than the victim of circumstance
  • Practice appreciation for who you are

Just back from her holy encounter in the “House of Mary” near the ancient ruins of Ephesus in Turkey, Rev. Karen Wylie brings her sacred experience to “La Casa de Maria” to share with YOU!

Great lunch, Meditation, Quiet Walks, Sharing, Labyrinth Experience, Learning and Growing

Cost: $75 before November 1st, $90 thereafter

Saturday, November 9, 2013 • 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
La Casa de Maria • 800 El Bosque Road • Santa Barbara, CA 93108
